Portage Democrats Endorse Local Candidates, YES Vote on Issue 33


Portage Democrats Endorse Local Candidates, YES Vote on Issue 33

Ravenna, OH | The Portage County Democratic Central Committee met Wednesday to unanimously approve the endorsement of the following local candidates for the 2024 General Election:

Ohio House, 35th District
Mark Curtis

Ohio House, 72nd District
Nathaniel Adams

County Commissioner
Carmen Lisa Laudato

County Clerk of Courts
Jill Fankhauser

County Sheriff
Jon Barber

County Treasurer
John Kennedy

County Engineer
Larry D. Jenkins Jr., P.E.,P.S.

County Coroner
Dr. Dean DePerro

“The Portage County Democratic Party is proud to throw our full support behind this amazing slate of candidates,” Portage Dems Vice Chair Christopher Clevenger said.

“We’ve got a team of public servants who have spent their lives fighting for Portage County, fighting to put our working families first. And we’re ready to take that fight to the ballot box this November.”

The Portage Dems also voted unanimously to endorse supporting a YES vote on Issue 33, a proposed operating funds levy for Ravenna School District.

“Ravenna School District hasn’t passed an operating funds levy since 2005, all while costs have gone up, and state funding has gone down,” Clevenger said.

“Passing this levy will be crucial to recruiting and retaining educators and staff, adding programs and services for students, expanding extra-curricular activities, and so much more. And we’ll be reaching out to every voter in the district to share that message.”

Issue 33 is a 3.25-million dollar 5-year emergency levy that, if passed, will cost Ravenna property owners less than $25 per month for every $100,000 of appraised value by the Portage County Auditor.

A full list of endorsed Democrats can be found online at www.portagedems.org/candidates



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